I was focusing on completing my doctoral thesis over the past few years and largely put aside one of my greatest passions – conducting a symphony orchestra. I missed the days when I could make music with fellow musicians, collaborate on projects and discover new repertoire together.
Percy Leung:Maestro Colin Touchin(指揮大師杜程)
I was an arrogant, obnoxious highschooler when I was first introduced to Maestro Touchin by Professor Heather Slade Lipkin, on whom I wrote an article some years ago. Both of these influential pedagogues worked together in the United Kingdom for many years and it was truly my privilege to have crossed paths with them in Hong Kong.
方俊傑:TÁR —— 切記不要嘲諷他人或怒罵他人
就算做事再小心翼翼,只要你是一個人,你也總會有機會遇到像 TÁR 一樣的經歷。人無完美,一世太長,總會試過發火臭罵他人,或無聊嘲笑他人,統統可以變成黑歷史。
Percy Leung:太有原則的指揮
為了感謝樂手對我的支持,我設計了一張 5 頁長、充滿多首不同時期樂曲的問卷,讓他們選擇新學年的表演曲目。令我驚奇的是,歷任每位指揮也沒有徵詢過樂手的意見,此著重民主的選曲方法對樂手來說,竟然是甚為新鮮的概念。
Percy Leung:指揮的蜕變
主流意見通常認為指揮家在 60 至 70 多歲才會達到音樂生涯頂峰,但胡薩只得37 歲,而尼爾森斯也年僅 40。我無法想像在接下來的年華,他們在古典音樂界的影響力與魅力會達到何種境地。