第 74 屆金球獎大贏家電影「星聲夢裡人」(LaLa Land)中,小人物為愛情與夢想奮鬥。以下 5 句經典台詞,敬所有懷抱夢想的人。
Here’s to the ones who dream, foolish as they may seem.
- The ones:替代前面泛指的可數名詞
例子:The ones I tagged in this photo are my very best friends.(那些被我標籤在此照片上的人都是我最好的朋友。)
This is the dream! It’s conflict and it’s compromise. It’s very, very exciting.
沒錯!當你因為追求夢想而感到痛苦時,把它當作一種刺激感吧!在電影裡 Sebastian 就是這麼對失意的 Mia 說的,若不是因為追夢的勇氣,也不能體會到這種刺激呢,所以一定要堅持下去啊!
- Compromise (n.):妥協;折衷;讓步;和解
例子:We’ve been debating this decision for some time now. Shall we try to reach a compromise in today’s meeting? (我們已就這議題爭論一段時間了。我們可以在今天的會議上達成共識嗎?)
Someone in the crowd could take you where you want to go.
這句台詞同時也是電影配樂 Someone in the Crowd 中的一句歌詞,像是在告訴我們,如果你還找不到夢想,不用擔心,總有一天,在人海茫茫之中你會找到的,搭配著激昂的伴奏聽起來,真是對人生充滿了希望!
- in the crowd:茫茫人海中
例子:With his supersized hat, Kevin was easily identifiable in the crowd.(他戴著那頂超大的帽子,在茫茫人海中也顯然而見。)
How are you gonna be a revolutionary if you’re such a traditionalist?
- Traditionalist (n.):傳統主義者
例子:My dad still prevents me from sweeping the floor on the first day of CNY; He is obviously a traditionalist.(我爸仍在大年初一不准我掃地,很明顯他是個傳統主義者。)
And when they let you down. You get up off the ground. ‘Cause morning rolls around. And it’s another day of sun.
- Roll around:來回打轉,就在附近
例子:Don’t throw away this kind of opportunity since it does not just roll around every day.(不要放棄這個機會,因為機會並不會繞著你走。)