


在曼谷,要找好吃的不難,以賭博心態,隨便進入一間小店,一般都不會一鋪清袋的樣子走出來。今次在曼谷短留 48 小時, 從街邊檔食到高級食府,都沒失望過。在此分享兩間比較深刻的餐廳。

在 Skytrain 的免費地圖上,看到 EM District 購物中心的廣告,說有超過 200 間食肆。我們鎖定泰國菜、有侍應和高檔三點,找到 Nara Thai Cuisine

一出 Phrom Phong 站就被 EmQuartier、EmPorium 和 EmSphere 三間商場包圍,餐廳位於 EmQuartier 七樓,但我倆購物白癡竟然入錯商場門口,幸好三間商場有天橋相連。

Nara Thai Cuisine 的格局以深棕色農田木屋為主調,配上耀眼金色後,增添幾分高雅。打開菜牌,賣的是新派泰國菜,即似曾相識,又有些新意那種。

我們入座時已是 Last Order,一口氣點了甜酸春卷、鱸魚冬陰公、咖哩燉羊腿配煎餅、白飯加兩杯飲料。上菜時放滿整張桌面,結賬時碟碟美人照鏡,盛惠 1,600 銖,不算貴,唯獨不滿白開水要收費。

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翌日,經 Amanta Hotel & Residence Ratchada 職員介紹 ,若去 Chatuchak(翟道翟)週末巿場,一定要試 Green Chili(Section 2, Soi 38/8)。Chatuchak 大如迷宮,幸好職員早以寫下天書,我們在 Kamphaeng Phet 地鐵站的 2 號出口,一出右轉就是 Section 2,再看看水牌,不用一分鐘就找到了。

Green Chili 的老闆娘 Ann,以前是大機構的公關,不難理解牆上掛著不少雜誌訪問。員工不太會說英語,但走近廚房,會發現牆上小小的英文菜牌,細看之際,在廚房工作中的 Ann 會走過來,向你推介當日新鮮菜式。

Green Chili 打著健康泰國菜為旗號,分量少但好吃,不怕多點,價錢極為街坊,我們捧腹離開也只是 320 銖。特別推介冰凍洛神花茶,餐前一杯,餐後一杯,甚麼暑也即消。

Get a taste of Eastern culture/Kimberlogic

Bangkok is a place favoured by Westerners. In doing research before my trip, I just couldn’t figure out why. Not to say it is a bad place, I just didn’t see what was drawing so many in.


With only one full day in the city we planned to make the most of it. We woke up early and set out for the Grand Palace. Thinking we would take the public river ferry to the Palace, we followed the signs to the pier from the subway. In my daze of following other foreigners, we ended up taking a small tourist long tail boat. This boat was much more expensive, but worth the experience.

Arriving outside the Grand Palace I was met with so many people trying to sell me a long skirt. Luckily, I did my research before arriving and knew of the Palace’s dress code. I was also aware that I would be able to borrow a long skirt once I entered the Palace. Knowing this, and seeing so many young girls purchasing the skirts, I was conflicted; should I share my knowledge or let them learn from their own mistake?

Having just come from Angkor Wat two days before, I was a bit afraid that the Palace would not impress me much, but upon entering the gate my fear dissolved. The Palace was impressive. The colours and sparkle of the mosaic patterns were mesmerizing. The paintings along the perimeter were just as impressive as the architecture. Every place we looked was decorated in little details of colour.



The next stop of the day was the famous backpackers’ heaven of Khao San Road. Khao San Road has everything a traveller on a budget could want; including souvenirs, snack stands, restaurants, massage, hostels, etc. With all of the craft and clothing stands and all of the Westerners, I felt more like I was at a Grateful Dead concert than a major Asian city.


We wandered the city for a little while longer before Ming Hay finally said what I had been thinking… “I’m bored.” Feeling a little defeated by Bangkok, I asked Ming Hay what most Hong Kongers do in Bangkok. He said, it is very cheap to eat and get massages, which is the draw for Hong Kongers.

Over an extravagant dinner we chatted about our day and our thoughts of Bangkok. I realised that Bangkok is normally the first stop for Westerners when they come to explore Asia. It is a good place to transition out of the Western customs and get a taste of Eastern culture. It is also a very inexpensive place to make mistakes as a first-time traveller (like purchasing an over-priced skirt outside of the Palace). Also, although Bangkok has some amazing attractions like the Grand Palace, if you’ve spent time travelling Asia, these attractions aren’t any different or mind-blowing if they are not your first experience in Asia. After having these realisations I felt less defeated by Bangkok and we enjoyed the rest of the evening with an inexpensive 60 minute foot massage.

※ 此欄文章為作者觀點,不代表本網立場。 ※

我們沒分東方或西方思想,只想以雜碎的遊歷去建立自己的世界觀和價值觀。We are neither eastern nor western mind. We just want to establish our worldview and values through traveling. 【李明熙】 曾用七個月時間從柏林踏單車回港,又不自量力參加蒙古越野單車賽。現從事影像製作、旅遊、教育等,自我催眠周身刀。著有「陌路回家」、「單車遊牧」及「良業遊民」。 【Kimberlogic】 An American who resides on the small island of Peng Chau, in Hong Kong, has a passion for traveling, partaking in local food and drink, different cultures and customs and watching people react to the world around them.
