在共和黨提名大會發表處女演講的杜林普夫人梅拉尼婭(Melania Trump),穿一襲端莊白裙,力讚丈夫是「為美國和美國人打拼」的總統最佳人選。不少人相信「未來第一夫人」堪稱完美的表現定能為丈夫爭取不少選票——如果沒有「講辭抄襲奧巴馬夫人」此等敗筆的話。
據報道,當年為米歇爾寫涉事講稿的寫手還是希拉莉的前講稿寫手,這自然令杜林普處境尷尬。新澤西州州長就力撐梅拉尼婭:「和米歇爾演講內容相似的部分只佔 7% ,這只能說明她倆表達了相同的感受。」抄了還是沒抄,兩方各執一詞。無論如何,引用梅拉尼婭本人的講辭:「It would not be a Trump contest without excitement and drama.」杜林普的競選之路最不缺的,就是戲劇性。而這種「涉嫌剽竊」的情節循環往復,在政客中絕不少見:
1987 年的現任美國副總統:拜登
拜登 (1987 年參議員、現任副總統):拜登參與黨內總統選舉時的一次演說,被傳媒指責「抄考」當時的英國工黨領袖尼爾·金諾克(Neil Kinnock) 5 個月前發表的演說。弔詭的是,拜登為了切合金諾克在講辭中提及「家族中第一個讀大學的人」的身世,不惜在演講中虛構家庭背景,也把自己說成「家族中第一個讀大學的人」,事實卻並非如此。被傳媒揭發「抄考」後,拜登大概認為坦白從寬,突然自揭法學院一年級時撰寫的論文也涉及抄襲。舊事重提,他解釋當時自己並不了解引用資料需要提供出處,實屬無心之失。但對於「抄考」英國政客演說內容的指控,他反而表現得理直氣壯:「期望一個政客說明所有引用過的字句的出處,是非常可笑的事。」儘管他的「直白」得到不少政客支持,但競逐參選總統的路途中一波三折,拜登最終都沒有得到黨內提名。
1987 年 5 月尼爾·金諾克的演說講辭:
Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? Was it because our predecessors were thick? Does anybody really think that they didn’t get what we had because they didn’t have the talent or the strength or the endurance or the commitment? Of course not. It was because there was no platform upon which they could stand.
同年 9 月拜登的演講節錄:
Why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go a university? Why is it that my wife … is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? … Is it because they didn’t work hard? My ancestors who worked in the coal mines of northeast Pennsylvania and would come after 12 hours and play football for four hours? It’s because they didn’t have a platform on which to stand.
2008 年美國總統:奧巴馬
當年在民主黨初選與希拉莉爭奪總統候選人資格的奧巴馬,在一次演說中回應希拉莉批評他空口講白話,說的比做的好:「別跟我說言辭不重要,『我有一個夢』,難道也只是空口講白話?」這段說辭被希拉莉選舉陣營指控,有剽竊馬麻省州長德瓦爾·帕特里(Patricia Rodewald) 2006 年的競選講辭之嫌,一段比對奧巴馬與帕特里演講內容的片段隨即在 Youtube 瘋傳。希拉莉其後更當面批評他,拾人牙慧違背他以「改變」為主題的競選政鋼:「這只是你複製的『改變』。」奧巴馬就從容回應,他與帕特里份屬好友,「引用原文」是帕特里的建議,但他也老實承認:「我應該先說明引用字句的出處。」
2008 年奧巴馬在威斯康辛州發表的演說節錄:
Don’t tell me words don’t matter! ‘I have a dream.’ Just words. ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’ Just words. ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself.’ Just words, just speeches.
2006 年德瓦爾·帕特里克競逐馬薩諸塞州州長時的講辭:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal’ — just words. Just words. ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself’ — just words. ‘Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country’ — just words. ‘I have a dream’ — just words.
2013 年美國參議員:蘭德‧保羅
保羅(Rand Paul) 2013 年在維珍尼亞州自由大學發表演講,支持 Ken Cuccinelli 競逐州長,席間他向聽眾介紹電影變種異煞(Gattaca)。這部電影以可以篩選優良基因繁殖的未來世界為背景,Paul 援引電影內容的原意是帶出墮胎議題,但就被時事評論員批評他的電影簡介直抄維基百科,內容雷同程度令人懷疑他只是 copy and paste 維基資料。禍不單行,其後他的大作 Government Bullies 也被指剽竊美國傳統基金會的一個案例分析。千夫所指,蘭德‧保羅的回應卻氣概凜然:「如果決鬥(duel)在肯塔基州是合法的話,那些繼續挑事的人就等著收我的戰書吧。」
In the movie, ‘Gattaca’, in the not-too-distant future, eugenics is common. And DNA plays a primary role in determining your social class.
Due to frequent screenings, Vincent faces genetic discrimination and prejudice. The only way to achieve his dream of being an astronaut is he has to become what’s called a borrowed ladder.
He assumes the identity of Jerome Morrow, a world-class swimming star with a genetic profile secondary to none, who’s been paralyzed in a car accident.
Jerome buys his identity and uses his DNA, his blood, his hair, his tissue, his urine to pass the screening.
In the not-too-distant future, liberal eugenics is common and DNA plays the primary role in determining social class.
Due to frequent screening, Vincent faces genetic discrimination and prejudice. The only way he can achieve his dream of becoming an astronaut is to become a ‘borrowed ladder’.
He assumes the identity of Jerome Eugene Morrow, a former swimming star with a genetic profile ‘second to none,’ who had been injured in a car accident, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down.
Vincent ‘buys’ Jerome’s identity and uses his ‘valid’ DNA in blood, hair, tissue, and urine samples to pass screening.
政治生涯流流長十多年,(講辭寫手)要準備的講辭何其多,靈感乾涸之際,無論好友、政敵、他國政客,連維基大神都可以是「旁徵博引」的對象。大概這就是「昨天的你成就今天的我」,不當政客的,請不要開心,請先把你名字鍵入 Google 網頁……