女人香 Scent of a woman (1992)
家境貧困的高中生 Charlie 為籌期買機票於聖誕節回鄉,為一位脾氣暴躁的失明退休軍官 Frank Slade(Al Pacino)做看護。兩人皆因生活失意一度打算輕生,卻在對方身上看到自己的影子。一老一少形同父子,軍官的破格身教,改變了學生哥的人生觀。
You’ve been the sugar business for so long, you’ve forgotten the taste of real honey! (Frank Slade)
皇家特工:間諜密令 Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)
主角 Eggsy 身手非凡,但從小喪父,長大後成了邊緣青年。後來犯事被捕,特務親父舊拍檔 Harry Hart(Colin Firth)出手相救,不只訓練他承繼父業,還教他如何成為紳士,做一個值得尊重的人。
There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self. (Ernest Hemingway; Harry Hart)
怪屋疑雲 To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
改編自同名普立茲獎小說。黑人 Tom Robinson 被指強姦一名白人女性,在種族歧視盛行的小鎮,幾乎所有人都未審先判,只有律師 Atticus Finch(Gregory Peck)信他清白;律師的六歲女兒 Scout 則遇上一名神出鬼沒的古怪鄰居,從父親不畏人言的執著中,逐漸認識到人心的好壞往往不能靠外表判斷。
If you just learn a single trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it. (Atticus Finch)
桃姐 A Simple Life (2011)
改編自真人真事。桃姐(葉德嫻)自 13 歲就到梁家做工人,服侍過梁家老少四代,一日突然中風,少爺 Roger(劉德華)將她送去老人院,在照顧桃姐的過程中,方才發現原來兩人情誼不只主僕。
驕陽似我 Good Will Hunting (1997)
叛逆天才(Matt Damon)遇上心理學教授(Robin Williams),兩人於友情、愛情、志向無所不談,天才逐漸走出自我世界,最後勇敢面對不堪過去。天才解決到智力問題,但人生並非智力遊戲。
You’re not perfect, sport, and let me save you the suspense: this girl you’ve met, she’s not perfect either. But the question is whether or not you’re perfect for each other. (Sean)
皇上無話兒 The King’s Speech (2010)
約克公爵(Colin Firth)患有口吃,自少不善言談,偏偏兄長溫莎公爵不愛江山愛美人,不得已繼任為英王(喬治六世)。為順利發表演說,請來澳洲語言治療師 Lionel Logue(Geoffrey Rush)糾正言辭,破格訓練令其一度卻步,砥礪之下,最終克服心理障礙。
…Why should I waste my time listening…? (Lionel)
Because I have a right to be heard! I have a voice! (King George VI)
Yes, you do. [pause] You have such perseverance, Bertie. You’re the bravest man I know. You’ll make a bloody good king. (Lionel)
鼓動真我 Whiplash (2014)
Andrew(Miles Teller)入讀夢寐以求的爵士音樂學院習鼓,導師 Fletcher(J. K. Simmons)極其嚴格,會當眾喝罵侮辱甚至掌摑學生。Andrew 起初只道是鞭策,後來發現內情並不單純。兩人複雜的心理交戰比鼓樂更緊湊精彩。
There are no two words in the English language more harmful than “good job”. (Fletcher)
見習無限耆 The Intern (2015)
年屆七十的退休伯伯 Ben(Robert de Niro)到網購公司實習,遇上年輕企業女強人 Jules(Anne Hathaway)。Jules 生活脫序,問題多多,Ben 傳統而紀律的人生經驗,恰好補其不足。
You’re never wrong for doing the right thing… (Ben)
That’s great. Who said that? (Jules)
I did. But I’m sure Mark Twain said it before that. (Ben)
暴雨驕陽 Dead Poets Society (1989)
初來甫到的英文系教授 John Keating(Robin Williams)破格教學震驚了全校師生:他不在課室上堂,反而帶學生遊校史樓,去山洞讀詩,甚至撕掉老套的課文介紹,被升學試窒息的學生首次嘗到自發學習的滋味。
Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams and I’ll show you a happy man. (McAllister)
But only in their dreams can men be truly free. ‘Twas always thus, and always thus will be. (John Keating)
擊情 Million Dollar Baby (2004)
Maggie Fitzgerald(Hilary Swank)一心成為專業拳手,向教練 Frankie Dunn(Clint Eastwood)拜師,他無意教女拳手,一開始是拒絕的,後來被她的鬥心撼動,同意收徒之外,也走出自己的封閉人生。兩人亦師亦友,意氣相投,源自對人生的激情。
You forgot the rule. Now, what is the rule? (Frankie Dunn)
Keep my left up? (Maggie Fitzgerald)
Is to protect yourself at all times. Now, what is the rule? (Frankie Dunn)